miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

There was a time in my life when all i wanted was to be popular.
I didn't know what it was, i just wanted it.
To be truth, now i consider myself as an independent, when i was little, i was bullied, and i  remember so many times  i wishes in  new year's eve to be popular.... to have a friend. Something magical happened to me , one day i wope up and then realised that i wasted a lot of wishes.
Now i realise what the truth world is about. ......... It is about HOPE , about having FAITH, about MAKING THINGS , about CHANGING THEM, about MAKING A BETTER YOU, A BETTER US, A BETTER WORLD. 
Sound crazy right? to think that one person could change all of us, but the truth its that this could happen. The only thing i'm sure it would happen its the unexpected . So for then, i will be here, smiling, Living my life strong, making my wishes, changing myself in a better person, helping other human beings, 
being happy....
being....      ...  .. ..  ME

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